As part of its preservation mission, the University of Florida microfilmed thousands of brittle books, journals and newspapers between the 1940’s and 2005. Using both grant and in-house funds, circulating and Special Collections materials in many topical areas were filmed, including but not limited to:
- NEH/RLG GCMP 2: Caribbean Basin
- SOLINET/ASERL Brasiliana and Africana
- NEH/RLG-GCMP4: Defoe and French Drama
- SOLINET: Works Project Administration material
- SOLINET: Theology Collection
- SOLINET: Materials in Higher Education
- NEH: United States Agriculture Information Network
- United States Newspaper Project
- Florida county newspapers
- Baldwin Collection materials from 1850 to 1869
Over 20,000 reels of print master microfilm reels are housed in environmentally controlled storage and are available for duplication. Individuals and institutions may purchase microfilm [35mm silver polyester positive] copies of titles that UF has filmed. Many titles of newspapers from Florida and Caribbean have been digitized and made freely available as part of the National Digital Newspaper Project, a Council of Libraries and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Collections Grant, and other projects. Please check the UF Digital Collections and Digital Library of the Caribbean to see if any of the titles have previously been digitized
The cost of each microfilm reel is $56.75, as of July 1st, 2008. Per email correspondence with Backstage Library Works (formerly OCLC Preservation Resources) staff in July of 2009, the $56.75 price will remain in effect until further notice. The minimum order is one full reel. Reels are duplicated without alteration so a reel may contain images of more monograph titles or journal issues than were requested.
Submitting orders
Submit orders to the UF microfilm sales program by mail, phone, fax or email.
Mail Address:
Microfilm sales program
Box 117005
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone Number: 352-294-2235
Email address: Please use “UF Microfilm sales” as the subject line.
Please include as much of the following information as possible:
- Call number or reel number, title and the total number of reels requested. For serials and newspapers, specify the volumes and/or year(s) needed.
- Requestors name, complete address and phone number. Provide fax number and email address if available.
- For works still under copyright permission, please print out and fill in a Certification of Ownership. Fax or send it to us along with your order. For questions regarding the certification, please see our microfilm duplication policy page.
Once exact order details are determined, UF will initiate the duplication process with our vendor. Only UF can initiate this process.
Upon receipt of order information from UF, Backstage Library Works contacts requestors directly to get payment information. Once film has been ordered by UF, please direct all questions about payment and shipping to:
Backstage Library Works (as of July 1st, 2009)
9 S. Commerce Way
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Phone: 800-773-7222
Fax 610-758-9700
Payment address is:
Backstage Library Works
533 East 1860 South
Provo, UT 84606